In his insightful book, "The Power of the Prayer Meeting," Pastor James Jackson asserts that the prayer meeting is the power base in the local church. More than seminars, workshops or conventions about prayer, Pastor Jackson teaches that the weekly or daily church prayer meeting is the single most important gathering of the saints. He also shares personal testimonies of how the prayer meeting has positively impacted his life and ministry.
Get ready for fresh insight on the church's first and best means of spiritual warfare and fruitfulness - the prayer meeting!

The purpose of this book is to free you from the spirit of fear, keep you free, and make you aware of the powerful anointing from God called the Goshen anointing. Perhaps you are curious as to what the Goshen anointing is.
The Goshen anointing is an anointing that covers God's people today, just as in the days when God protected Israel from the plagues that consumed Egypt. They were protected from seen and unseen dangers. The Goshen anointing is a protection anointing from God that protects the believer at all times.

Prayer is essentially a simple and earnest conversation between you and God. It's as simple as talking on the cell phone or having a conversation over your favorite beverage. Learning the lessons and principles of prayer, and how to pray better is the most important thing you can do after receiving Jesus as your personal Savior. What we call the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6 and Luke 11 is the disciple's prayer. Jesus responded to one of the most powerful and profound prayer requests ever made by one of his disciples; "Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples."
We are not born again nor are we born into his world knowing how to pray. It is my wish and desire that this short work on prayer will help you to become more powerful and proficient in your prayer life.